Class 2 news, activities and photos.
Spring Term 2 2024 - 2025
Welcome back!
This half term our topic is "Fun in the Park," where we will have the opportunity to go and have a look around Barrowford Park and then write a persuasive poster to encourage people, to visit our wonderful park. In PSHE we will be finding out about different jobs in our local community and inviting people in to class to talk about the importance of their jobs to the community of Barrowford. Science is all about plants and trees, where we will be taking some of our learning outside - lets hope the weather is kind to us! RE is all about signs of new life and we will be looking out for signs of new life whilst on our spring detective walk around the park.
Our Bible memory verse for this half term is -
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. 1 Corinthians 3:7
Spring Term 1 2024 - 2025
We hope that you have all had a wonderful Christmas break and are looking forward to a happy and healthy new year.
Our topic this half term is "Healthy Heroes", where we will be learning how to keep ourselves healthy. In DT we will be making a fresh fruit salad and a healthy smoothie and we will link this to our English, where we will be learning how to write instructions. Hopefully, we will have a visitor coming into school to talk about the importance of a well balanced diet and the importance of nutrition in our diets.
In RE, we will be finding out all about one of the bibles most well known heroes, Joseph and our history topic is focussing on black history, where we will discuss the life of Marcus Rashford a significant individual who has contributed to national and international
We will be visiting Burnley Football Club, where we will learn about the importance of exercise and how it helps our bodies to keep in good working order. We are also going to get a VIP tour of the stadium!
Our Bible memory verse for this half term is -
For I will restore health to you, And your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 30:17
WOW! What a fantastic day we had at Turf Moor. Not only did we learn about the importance of exercise to keep us healthy and the different types of food we need to eat, but we also learnt about the importance of stamping out racism in sports. The highlight of our visit was a stadium tour and we even got to go on the football pitch!
Thank you Burnley Football Club!
Here are some pictures of us making our fresh fruit salad. We looked at our design to help us make it and used the cutting techniques that we had learnt. Before we began making it, we wrote down some safety rules to help keep us safe when preparing the fruit salad.
Year 2 went to The Municipal Hall in Colne to meet up with their friends from Whitefield School. We had an informal tour of the theatre where the children got to see a fun sneak peek into a working theatre. They then learnt a snippet of a song from Matilda and performed it on stage, as well as learning a short dance routine. The highlight of the visit was when we chatted to our friend and learnt all about them and then made them a picture of their interests for them to keep.
In Guided Reading we read a play and then through role play and drama we developed and demonstrated our understanding of characters and events in the play.
In our DT lesson we used the claw grip and the bridge grip to help us chop fruit up safely. We then followed some instructions and made a fruit smoothie. It was fun!
To start off our instructions writing, we read a set of instructions and then carried them out. We all enjoyed this task!
Autumn Term 2 2024 - 2025
We hope that you have all had a great half term break and are looking forward to another exciting term in Class 2. Our new topic is 'Pole to Pole' where we have lots of fun filled learning to be explored. There will be a trip to Martin Mere, to learn about migration and we will be building some animal homes. Our nativity this year is called 'Are we nearly there yet?' and we will be busy rehearsing this and learning Christmas carols, which will be lots of fun. We will be writing a non-chronological report on penguins and learning about hot and cold countries in the world and how animals adapt to different habitats. In our art lessons we will be making a penguin out of clay. Plus, lots more exciting learning will be taking place!
Our Bible memory verse for this half term is -
"I am the light of the world."
John 8:12
Here are a few from our nativity performance of "Are we nearly there yet?" that we performed alongside Class 1.
Santa came to St Thomas's for breakfast!
Here are a few pictures of Class 2 children enjoying their breakfast and special visitor.
Year 2 had a fabulous time across in church meeting their friends from Whitefield School. We got to know each other first before Reverend Nick came and spoke about the different artefacts that can be found in a church. We then treated Whitefield to our nativity, which they thought was great!
In our English lessons we became active readers to help us find facts about Emperor Penguins so we could write a non chronological report. Then in our Art lessons we made a penguin out of clay and painted them.
We wore odd socks to support anti bullying week!
We enjoyed a great day out at Martin Mere, where we learnt all about migration as well as building animal shelters for the little animals.
To introduce our new topic and book, Mrs White brought in a suitcase which was filled with different objects. We then had to predict who they thought the suitcase belonged to and where they might be going.
In our RE topic Harvest, we have been looking at where our food is harvested around the world. We enjoyed tasting some food that comes from Thailand, Asia and The Netherlands.
In our science lessons we have been looking at the importance of exercise and how different types of activities affect our heart rate. We predicted first and then carried out the activities to see if our predictions were correct.
Autumn Term 1 2024 - 2025
Welcome back to another busy and fun packed year of learning in Class 2. We start off our Autumn Term with a topic called, 'Me and my Family'.
We will be learning about Baptism in our RE lessons and going across to church, where Father Paul will perform a baptism service for us. In science we are looking at how we grow and change and what we need to survive. In history, we are looking at how things have changed since our grandparents were our age, with a particular focus on shops in our local area. We will have a walk around the village and look at shops now and compare them to what our grandparents had. We will be acting out a mock family wedding and then writing a recount on the days events.
There will be lots more exciting things happening, keep watching this page!
Our Bible memory verse for this half term is -
Matthew 19:19
Honour your father and mother, and love your neighbour as yourself.
We held a mock wedding day in Class 2 to help us with our recount writing. It was great fun and we produced some super recounts too!
In DT we have been learning how to sew and join different materials together. We made a placemat with our face on, it was a lot of fun!
We have been learning all about "nouns" in our grammar lessons and we went on a noun hunt around school to help us with our learning.
Mrs White asked us if the oldest children would be the tallest children in class. Year 1 decided that they could line up from oldest to youngest to find out. The answer was - no they aren't.
A grandparent came into school and talked to us about how shops in our local area have changed over time. Shops never used to open on a Sunday and used to close at lunchtime on a Tuesday!
Summer Term 1 2023 - 2024
We have another busy, but fun packed term of learning to enjoy. Our topic is African Safari! We will be using a story set in Africa to base our fiction writing on in English and we will be comparing and contrasting the capital city of Kenya - Nairobi, to London in Geography. In Science, we will be revisiting how scientists group different types of animals and how we can also group them by what they eat - herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. In Art we will draw and paint some African animals, creating a savannah background. We will be listening to African music and learning a song with actions called Zootime in music - watch this space!
Our RE topic is The Bible and we will learn why the Bible is important to people and the lengths that some people will go to, to own a Bible.
Our memory verse for this half term is -
Psalm 104:21
The lions roar for their prey
and seek their food from
Spring Term 2 2023 - 2024
Our topic this half term is God Save The King! We will be looking at the United Kingdom in Geography and in English we will be writing a non chronological report about London. In Science we will be looking at and investigating plants. Our DT topic this half term is Structures, where we will be looking at making a bridge to get from Scotland to Ireland, which links into our narrative writing on Finn McCaul. Easter signs and symbols will be our focus in RE, as well as learning about Holy Week. We will be tasting different Easter foods and finding out why we eat them at Eastertime.In PSHE we will be learning about the importance of money and how and where to save it. We will have a visitor from HSBC bank coming in to talk to us.
In PSHE we have been learning about the importance of money and how charities support those less fortunate than ourselves. Class 2 decided to raise some money for our school charity by holding a sponsored silence (music to myself, Mrs Harper and Mrs Marsh's ears!) We raised £23.50 - well done Class 2!
Year 1 have been learning about fractions and how to make a 1/4. Mrs Jackson got creative and the children enjoyed a practical lesson on making a 1/4.
We enjoyed wearing our pyjamas to school, especially as we were able to do our PE lesson in them! We all brought in a chocolate Easter egg, so we could wear our pyjamas.
Our local fire brigade came into talk to us about the importance of fire safety. Unfortunately, they had to leave early because of a real emergency. We hope they will come back!
As part of British Sign Language week, our very talented Miss Crawford came into class and taught us how to sign different ways of greeting people.
We had great fun in DT, designing a bridge and then constructing it out of spaghetti and marshmellows!
In our RE lessons, we are learning about the Easter story and the days that make up Holy Week.
We played Pass the Parcel and in each wrapper there was a part of the Easter story. We then had to try and sequence the story in the order we thought it happened. Afterwards we acted out different parts of the Easter story!
We are reading a folk tale set in Ireland in our English lessons, so we celebrated Saint Patricks Day and came dressed to school in the colours of the Irish flag. We also learnt about the story of Saint Patrick.
In PSHE this half term we have been looking at why money is important and how to look after our money. We were very fortunate to have a lady come into school and talk to us from HSBC bank. We looked at and sorted out different coins and even learnt that notes have braille on them to help blind people recognise them easily. We were also introduced to new vocabulary related to spending and borrowing money.
In DT we have been looking at different structures and bridges. Take a look at some of our fantastic creations that we enjoyed making.
Here are some photographs of Class 2 when they dressed up for World Book Day. I think they all look fantastic! Well done.
Year 2 went to Whitefield School to visit our friends. We enjoyed a fun morning doing some drama and PE activities together. It was great to see another Year 2 classroom and learn about what they do in their school.
Spring Term 1 2023 - 2024
Happy New Year to you all!
Welcome back to another fun packed term of exploring, discovering and learning, we know that you are all going to have lots of fun. Our topic is 'Robots', where we will be writing a story in a fantasy setting and then performing a Robot poem by heart. In RE we will be looking at the Church and different places of worship, where we will visit our local Mosque in Nelson and also St Thomas Church. In Science we will be looking at the different seasons and learning about what makes day and night. In PE we will be dancing like robots!
Class 2 went across to church with Father Paul, who talked about all the different artefacts found in church and what they are used for. We even got to play the organ!
Year 2 enjoyed a trip to The Leisure Box to meet our friends from Whitefield School. We had fun making new friends and engaging in lots of team building activities.
Autumn Term 2 2023 - 2024
We hope that you have all had a great half term break and are looking forward to another exciting term in Class 2. Our new topic is 'WINTER WONDERLAND' where we have lots of fun filled learning to be explored. There will be a trip to Gawthorpe Hall, to learn about a Victorian Christmas, where we will meet the "real" Father Christmas. Our nativity this year is called ''The Inn - Spectors" and we will be busy rehearsing this and learning Christmas carols, which will be lots of fun. We will be writing a set of instructions on how to make a delicious winter soup, which we will then make in our DT lessons. In Science we are learning about animals, including humans and the different types of animals there are. Plus, lots more exciting learning will be taking place!
We had a surprise visit from Father Christmas at our Christmas party and he said that we had all been good boys and girls and were on the nice list. We enjoyed playing Christmas musical statues and corners and pass the parcel.
Our nativity play was called THE INNSPECTORS! We had lots of fun rehearsing it and performing it to our friends and family.
Class 2 enjoyed a lovely morning at Gawthorpe Hall meeting Father Christmas, learning how to play Victorian games and we made a cornupicca for our own Christmas tree. We also went down into the kitchen to learn about how the cook prepared for a Victorian Christmas.
In our DT lessons we have been making soup. We learnt how to peel and chop the vegetables safely by using the bridge and claw grip. Once we had made the soup, we all tasted it and wrote an evaluation. Most of us thought it was DELICIOUS!
To celebrate our OUTSTANDING OFSTED report, we had a party day, where the children came to school in their party clothes. Class 2 linked this to firework night and had lots of fun making bonfire pictures and baking bonfire cupcakes.
As part of our PSHE lesson on Fire Safety, we learnt what to do if our clothes caught on fire.
In our RE lessons we have been learning about the Jewish Harvest Festival of Sukkot. We all made our own Sukkah's which Jewish people make each year to celebrate the festival and some live in them while others eat their meals in them.
Autumn Term 1 2023 - 2024
Welcome to Class 2
We all hope that you have had a lovely and relaxing summer and are ready for a year of exciting, inquisitive and fun learning in Class 2.
Our topic this half term is "Home Sweet Home" where we will be writing a traditional tale with a twist in our English lessons, as well as a non chronological report about our own homes and writing some poetry based on homes. In Science we will be looking at everyday materials and carrying out some experiments to see which material is most suitable for the job. We will be tasting some food in RE when we are comparing Jesus's world to our world and we will also be taking a walk around our village with our focus being on old houses and buildings in Barrowford and comparing them with modern houses. We will also visit the Heritage Centre and learn about the history of Park Hill farm (now Pendle Heritage) and the Bannister family. We will be exploring the world of digital art and its exciting range
of creative tools in Computing and our Art lessons. All this, as well as lots more interesting and thought provoking lessons, as we go on our first learning journey together.
To promote pleasure for reading, the children in Class 2 are each going to choose their favourite book and a member of their family will then come into school on a Friday and read their chosen book to the class. The children will then be able to ask questions about the book and also critique it, whilst enjoying a biscuit!
Our golden day this half term was linked to our topic, so Class 2 had a duvet day. The children came to school in their pyjamas and brought in a blanket and their favourite bedtime book. We made dream catchers, a fallen star and read our books to each other. In the afternoon the children voted for the film they wanted to watch and enjoyed hot chocolate/biscuits and marshmellows, whilst snuggled under their blankets!
In our Science lessons we have been looking at materials and their properties. We learnt 3 new science words - opaque, transparent and translucent and had to sort the different objects underneath the correct heading.
Some of our Year 1 and Year 2 children enjoyed competing in a multi skills afternoon alongside other local primary schools. As you can see the children had a great time whilst learning new skills.
In our RE lesson we tasted some food that Jesus would have eaten when he was our age. We all decided that our food is a lot tastier than what Jesus ate!!!
Class 2 enjoyed taking part in the school's sponsored run and helped raise money for extra curriculum activities. Here are a few photographs from their run around our new running track.
We did some predicting in our English lesson as to what we thought would happen to the wolf in the story of "The True story of the 3 Little Pigs." Then we used drama techniques to act out some scenarios of our predictions.
In Science we had fun trying to guess the material that the object was made from. It was harder than it looked!
On Wednesday 13th September, Class 2 had a walk around Barrowford, looking at different types of houses and buildings in the village. We also went to Pendle Heritage Centre, where we learnt about the history of Park Hill Farm and the Bannister family who used to own it. We were also lucky enough to go around the Walled Garden, where we smelt some herbs that they may have used to cook with a long time ago. There was also a plant that you could use to wash your hands with - it made green soap! We tasted some beetroot that was yellow.
The staff at the Heritage Centre thought we had been extremely well behaved, so they let us have a look around the Fairy Wood, which we thought was magical.
Summer Term 2 2022 - 2023
Wow! I can't believe that we are in our last half term of the year. Where has the year gone?
What a fun packed half term we have planned for you, learning all about our new topic on SEASIDES!
In English we will be writing our own riddles based on sea creatures and writing our own story based on The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch. In Geography we are going to be looking at St Anne's and the features it has. In our Art lessons we will be creating some collage work based around the seaside and in Science we will carry on looking at materials linked to the seaside. But best of all, we have planned a trip to the beach at St Annes, so you can identify the features first hand! We will also be taking part in the school sports day and lots more.
Another Bible story that we have explored is Jesus healing blind Bartimeus. We took part in some activities to see what it might feel to have no sight.
What a fantastic day we all had at the beach. We enjoyed looking at human and physical features found in St Annes and then had a great time playing and exploring on the beach. A well deserved day out to celebrate all Class 2's hard work throughout the year. Well done!
We were lucky to have Empower come into school, to show us how to keep fit and healthy. We were all exhausted after our workout which was alot of fun but hard work!
In RE we are learning about how Jesus is a friend to everyone. We read the story of the Ten Lepers in the Bible and then we used drama to act out the story and to discuss how the lepers would have been feeling at different parts in the story. This helped us to know how special Jesus is and that everyone matters no matter what their social background.
In our Science lesson we planned and carried out an investigation to see which covering was the most waterproof.
To help us to understand what riddles are, Mrs White read us some riddles and we had to try and work them out. When we thought we had solved them, we then had to go and find the hidden picture that was the answer to the riddle!
In PE we have been practising for Sports Day and learning new skills that will help us become better athletes.
In music we have been learning about all the different types of musical instruments there are and the different sounds they make. We learnt some new vocabulary - OSTINATO, TEMPO and DYNAMICS. Then we played the instruments choosing ones for quiet sounds and then others for louder sounds and used them to play rhythms back.
We were very lucky to have an author come into school to talk to us about his book "Midnight Grocer." The author was special to St Thomas School because he was a former headteacher at our school. He has also written a song to go with the book which we enjoyed singing along too.
Summer Term 1 2022 - 2023
We hope that you all had a lovely Easter break!
This half term we have a very exciting topic called FIRE! FIRE! We will be learning about the Great Fire of London in History and writing an information booklet about this in English. We will be making fire engines in our DT lessons and learning all about keeping safe and what to do in an emergency in PSHE. In Science we will be learning all about different materials and their properties and carrying out an investigation.
The fire brigade will be coming into school to talk to us and we will also be visiting our local fire station! We will carry on our learning for the Young Leaders Award and will be looking at PERSEVERANCE!
In our music lessons we have been composing a piece of music based on The Great Fire of London. We enjoyed exploring different kinds of instruments and discussing what they were made from and how they worked, trying to link them to different parts of the story. We enjoyed it but it was very noisy!
To celebrate the end of SATS and for working so hard, the Year 2's had a field party, where we played with the parachute and enjoyed some brioche and yoghurts. It was a lot of fun and very well deserved!
In RE we have been looking at Ascension and Pentecost. We have learnt that Pentecost is known as the churches birthday, so we made buns and Pentecost cards to celebrate this special day.
We have been learning about absorbency in Science. First we looked closely at some absorbent materials and then we carried out an experiment to see which was the most absorbent material.
We had a super day making our Fire Engines in DT. The best part was when we got to race them at the end and we were all relieved that they moved! We hope you like them!
We have enjoyed using our new running track that was opened by our local MP Andrew Stephenson in May. We are certain that it is going to help us to keep fit and healthy.
We have been investigating different materials to see whether they can - bend, stretch, twist and be squashed. Then we discussed why certain materials were used for certain objects and why some materials were not suitable.
In Science we have been looking at materials and their properties. We made some fact file cards and agreed the properties to be assessed, e.g, strength, flexibility, hardness, smoothness and waterproofness giving them each a score out of 10 (with 10 being the highest score) for each property for each material. Then we enjoyed playing a game of Top Trumps with them.
We had a super morning visiting our local Fire Station and learning about the different equipment and clothing that they use when attending a call out. We also learnt how fire engines have changed since The Great Fire of London. We also saw the gym where they work out and the little house where they sleep whilst on a shift. Our favourite part was getting to use the fire hose!!!
We are looking at PERSEVERANCE as part of our Young Leaders Award. Mrs White set us a task so we could experience a task where perseverance was needed. We had 10 mins to try to free a toy from the ice using the tools provided. It was very tricky, but we felt great when we succeeded!!
In our English lessons, we have been reading the book ZOG. We had to sequence the story in the correct order and then add some time openers to move the story on. Then we had to orally retell the story using intonation.
We had lots of fun learning about axles, wheels and chassis's in our DT lesson. We learnt that wheels are attached by axles and that the axles then need to be attached to the chassis, which is the framework of the vehicle.
In PSHE we learnt what an emergency was and what to do in one. We know there are 3 emergency services FIRE/POLICE/AMBULANCE and we know how to call them for help and what to say to the operator to get help quickly.
We had a visit from the Fire Brigade, who talked to us about the importance of staying safe around fire. We learnt what to do if our clothes caught fire - STOP! DROP!ROLL! We also learnt what to do if there was a fire at home and the importance of smoke alarms and having a fire plan in place in case of a fire.
Spring Term 2 2022 - 2023
Welcome back!
This half term our topic is "Fun in the Park," where we will have the opportunity to go and have a look around Barrowford Park and then write a persuasive poster to encourage people, to visit our wonderful park. In PSHE we will be finding out about different jobs in our local community and inviting people in to class to talk about the importance of their jobs, to the community of Barrowford. Science is all about plants and trees, where we will be taking some of our learning outside - lets hope the weather is kind to us! In computing we will be finding out all about coding and will programme a Beebot to go around a maze.
RE is all about signs of new life and we will also be visiting church for a special Ash Wednesday service, where we will have the sign of the cross put on our foreheads with ash.
We are enjoying our learning for the Young Leaders Award and have nearly finished the first topic on Kindness. Our next event for our class charity is a pyjama day on Monday 27th February. So far we have raised a fantastic amount of £661.50 for Ronald MacDonald House at Alder Hey Hospital. Thank you for all your support!
As part of our Golden Day activities, we enjoyed making Easter cards and baskets for our families.
We have been looking at the different kinds of jobs that people do in our local community. We were very lucky to have a dental hygienist come in and speak to us about her job.
As part of our non fiction writing on persuasion, we tried our persuasive language out on Mrs White's daughter. We had to try and persuade her to visit Barrowford Park. Lauren thought it sounded a wonderful place to visit and has said she is going to go and visit over Easter and send us some photographs in of her visit. We really enjoyed persuading her!
As part of British Sign Language week, Class 2 took part in a sign language lesson, where we learnt how to sign colours and the names of our family members.
We have been looking at the different kinds of jobs that people do in our local community. We were very lucky to have an architect come in and speak to us about his job. He even set us a challenge of designing our own building. We had lots of fun doing this and now have some budding architects in the making!
In our English lessons we have been looking at rhymes. We read some rhymes together in groups using intonation and then added our own actions to them.
Class 2 went on a lovely spring walk to Barrowford Park looking for signs of new life for our RE lesson. We also managed to find some human and physical features in the park to help us in our Geography lessons. We are also going to write a persuasive poster to encourage people to visit Barrowford Park after we saw all the fabulous features it has to offer.
As part of our Science topic on plants, including trees, we explored our school grounds to see what wild plants we could see growing. We found - ivy, daisies, dandelions and nettles.
Class 2 were very creative for World Book Day and came dressed as their favourite book characters. This shows how much Class 2 enjoy reading for pleasure and the different genres of books that they read.
The children asked for a pyjama day to help raise money for our class charity. We had lots of fun wearing our pj's for school, whilst raising another £57.00 for our charity. Well done Class 2!
Here are some photographs of Class 2 taking part in our special Ash Wednesday service in church with Reverend Julie.
In our computing lessons we have been looking at coding. To start us off, we learnt the importance of giving exact instructions and we had to carry out what our programmer Mrs White said. Then we used some code blocks (objects and actions) and created some algorithms. Next we had lots of fun programming the Beebots - it was a lot harder than we thought!
We used the magic microphone (children interviewed characters in role) to help us understand how Percy the Park Keeper and the animals might have been feeling, after there had been a storm which destroyed the park and the animals homes.
Our RE topic is all about New Life. We planted some seeds and we are going to watch them begin to show signs of life. This links in nicely with our Science topic on plants, including trees.
Year 2, have been looking at arrays and how they can help us with division and multiplication.
Spring Term 1 2022 - 2023
We hope that you have all had a wonderful Christmas break and are looking forward to a new year.
Our topic this half term is "Healthy Heroes", where we will be learning how to keep ourselves healthy. In science we will be learning about the importance of hygiene and why exercise is important for our bodies. In DT we will be making a fresh fruit salad and a healthy smoothie and we will link this to our English, where we will be learning how to write instructions. Hopefully we will have a visitor coming into school to talk about the importance of a well balanced diet and the importance of nutrition in our diets.
In RE, we will be finding out all about one of the bibles most well known heroes, Joseph and in history we will be comparing 2 famous nurse heroes Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell.
Year 2 will be visiting the Leisure Box and meeting children from our twinning school Whitefield and participating in some sport activities to promote team work with children from different ethnicities.
We had a fantastic last day of term, where we had a golden day and learnt about the country of China. We all came to school dressed in yellow and red and we had a great Chinese dance and music workshop. Everybody loved the drumming!
We had an unexpected visit from the fire engine today and the firemen let us have a look at the fire engine and more importantly, let us use the fire hose which we all enjoyed!
In science, we have been learning about the importance of hygiene. Just because we can't see germs, does not mean they are not there. We carried out an experiment that showed how germs stick to dirty hands, but when you use soap, they go away.
Year 2 had a great morning at the Leisure Box, taking part in teamwork activities with our friends from Whitefield school. We had lots of fun and can not wait to welcome our friends into our school for the day.
Our class charity this year, is Ronald McDonald at Alder Hey Hospital, which was nominated by one of our year 1 pupils and voted for by the rest of the class. We decided to do a sponsored run to raise money for the charity. It was raining hard on the day but we still did the run. Watch this space to see the total raised!
To help us understand why we should eat a varied diet, we were lucky to have a visit from a nutritionist, who helped us learn all about the different types of food groups that we should include in our diet.
Here are some pictures of us making our fresh fruit salad.
In our DT lesson we used the claw grip and the bridge grip to help us chop fruit up safely. We then followed some instructions and made a fruit smoothie. It was fun!
To start off our instructions writing, we read a set of instructions and then carried them out. We all enjoyed this task!
We have been looking at different coins and how much each coin is worth. We then had to make an amount using the correct coins.
Class 2 had lots of fun in the snow!
We have been learning about the importance of exercise in our Science lessons. We know that it is important to warm our bodies up before exercise. In groups we designed a warm up exercise that we could do in a PE lesson and then taught it to Class 1.
In our Computing lessons we have been learning how to take a video using an IPAD. We had great fun!
Our text in our English lesson is Avocado Baby. We tasted some avocado to see why the baby enjoyed it so much and we came up with some fantastic vocabulary to describe the taste and texture.
We have been looking at telling the time to o'clock and half past the hour.
Autumn Term 2 2022 - 2023
We hope that you have all had a great half term break and are looking forward to another exciting term in Class 2. Our new topic is 'Pole to Pole' where we have lots of fun filled learning to be explored. There will be a trip to Martin Mere, to learn about migration and we will be building some animal homes. Our nativity this year is called 'Whoops a Daisy Angel' and we will be busy rehearsing this and learning Christmas carols, which will be lots of fun. We will be writing a non-chronological report on penguins and learning about hot and cold countries in the world and how animals adapt to different habitats. In our art lessons we will be making a penguin out of clay. Plus, lots more exciting learning will be taking place!
We had lots of fun at our Christmas party with Class 1. We played Pass the Parcel, Christmas Musical Statues and did lots of dancing too. Mrs White had told Father Christmas how hard we had been working and he made a special trip to see us and even brought us a present. It was a very exciting afternoon!
For our Maths enterprise week, Class 2 made some Gonks to sell at our school Christmas Fair. We had to use our maths skills to help us weigh out the correct amount of rice. Then with Mrs White's help, we added up how much we had spent and then decided to sell them at £3 each. We made £65.00 and are very proud of our achievements.
In our Art lessons, we have been making clay penguins. First we made some out of plasticine and then we used the clay. Watch this space for the finished products!
Here are some photos of our nativity play "Whoops a Daisy Angel." The children worked extremely hard and put on a brilliant performance. Well done Class 2!
Class 2 enjoyed a trip to Martin Mere for our topic on Pole to Pole. We looked at hot and cold locations around the world and what animals and plants live in these environments and how they adapt to their surroundings. Whilst on our visit, we enjoyed a wild walk, looking at swans, and discussing why some animals migrate and others hibernate, as well as asking the question - Do you think elves hibernate? We then made some bird feeders, a wreath, a bird box and some hedgehog houses with the elves. It was a fantastic day!
Autumn Term 1 2022 - 2023
Welcome back to another busy and fun packed year of learning in Class 2. We start off our Autumn Term with a topic called, 'Me and my Family'.
We will be learning about Baptism in our RE lessons and going across to church, where Reverend Julie will perform a baptism service for us. In science we are looking at how we grow and change and what we need to survive. In history, we are looking at how things have changed since our grandparents were our age, with a particular focus on shops in our local area. We will have a walk around the village and look at shops now and compare them to what our grandparents had. We will be writing poetry about family members, and a recount on a family event.
There will be lots more exciting things happening, keep watching this page!
On the last day of term, we held a diversity day. We all came to school in our own clothes and had wacky hair! We learnt some BSL (British Sign Language), with Miss Crawford and we had lots of fun meeting Grandad on Wheels, who is an author and we all designed him a new futuristic wheelchair.
We have been learning how to write a detailed recount in our English lessons. To help us with our writing, we carried out a mock wedding celebration. A lovely time was had by all the guests, and everyone agreed that the bride was gorgeous!
We have been learning some poems about different family members. Year 1 enjoyed learning some actions to go with their poem, "Grandad goes Fishing." Year 2 wrote a new verse for their poem," Dad, the Cat and the Tree."
In our history lessons, we have been learning about what shops and buildings were like in the 1950's in our community of Barrowford. We were very lucky to have a visitor come into class, that used to be the headteacher at the old St Thomas school. We learnt a lot about the similarities and differences between the old school and our new school.
On Tuesday 4th October, we had our Harvest Festival in church. We brought some tins and dried food in, which could be distributed to the local food banks. Class 2 sang a song called "Thank you for everything (well almost everything!)
Reverend Julie carried out a baptism on Lauren the doll for us in church. We had parents and godparents and learnt about their roles and what happens during a service of baptism. It was great to see all the artefacts close up, that we have been learning about in class.
To help us to understand what a noun is, we went on a noun hunt around the school grounds. We found lots of nouns and now know that we can touch some nouns.
We enjoyed a walk around our local community of Barrowford, looking at the different types of shops there are. When we arrived back in school, we compared shops from the 1950's to shops of today.
We found out that the Lamb Club and The White Bear are two of the oldest buildings in Barrowford and that Booths supermarket is the newest.
Summer Term 2 2021 - 2022
WOW! Where has this year gone? We have had so much fun learning in Class 2 that we can't believe our journey together is coming to an end. But before it does, we have a fabulous half term planned with lots more memories to make.
Our topic is Beast Hunters and in science we will be going on a minibeast hunt around our school grounds, to identify different types of habitats and see what creatures live in them. In our computing lessons we will use the IPADS, to record some of the habitats that we see and the sounds that we hear. We will then create a simple story about a minibeast and record a voice over and add background sounds using a piece of software. In DT our question is How can we use components to make a moving picture? In history we will be finding out who Mary Annings is and why she is a significant person. In RE we will be finding out why Jesus is special and looking at some of the miracles that he performed. All this and much more to look forward too.
In our science lessons, we have been learning that most living things, live in habitats, to which they are suited. We have described how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other.
I thought it might be fun, for the children for homework, to make a mini-habitat in a shoebox - a shoebox diorama. The children decided which habitat they would like to recreate and added whatever features they liked, as long as you would find them in that habitat. I think they have done a fantastic job and I am so proud of all their creations.
All of Class 2 are incredibly proud of our two budding violinists, who played in front of the school and parents in our music concert. They did extremely well. Keep it up girls.
We used our school grounds to go on a minibeast hunt, to see what different types of minibeasts lived there. We used our sheets to help us identify different minibeasts and to record where we saw them. We found lots of minibeasts!
In our computing lesson we took the IPADS outside and recorded different sounds and then saved them (Linked to minibeasts habitats)
We went on a hunt in our school grounds during our Science lesson.
Using magnifying glasses, we looked at mini beasts that were dead, alive and some that were toys and discussed their features. Then we discussed what differences we could see between the dead and toy creatures and the dead ones and those that were still living.
We then went outside and collected things that were alive, dead and had never been alive. Once back inside we sorted and classified them into categories.
We celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee by having a whole school street party, where we all dressed in red, white and blue. We waved flags, whilst we sang the National Anthem and watched Class 1 act out the coronation of Her Majesty the Queen. Class 2 even made some chocolate krispies, which we decorated in red, white and blue! It was a fantastic day!
We were very lucky to have the fire brigade come into class and talk to us about how to keep safe if a fire broke out in our homes. We learnt about the importance of having an action plan on how to escape in case of a fire and the importance of smoke alarms in our homes. If we found some matches or lighters we know we must never touch them but to give them to a grown up. We even got to look inside the fire engine!!!
Summer Term 1 2021 - 2022
We have another busy, but fun packed term of learning to enjoy. Our topic is African Safari! and we will be going on a trip to Blackpool Zoo to see if we can spot the African animals. We will be using a story set in Africa to base our writing on in English and we will be comparing and contrasting the capital city of Kenya - Nairobi, to a small Kenyan village called Naro Maru. In Science, we will be looking at how scientists group different types of animals and how we can also group them by what they eat - herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Art and computing lessons, we will be researching different African animals and then we will draw and paint some, creating a savannah background.
Our RE topic is The Bible and we will learn why it is important to people and the lengths that some people will go to, to own a Bible.
Class 2 had a fabulous day at Blackpool Zoo looking at the animals. We spotted lots of animals from Africa and identified some omnivores, carnivores and herbivores. We even used our geography skills and read the map of the zoo ourselves to navigate our way around.
We had some animals come to visit us in school today. We met a bearded dragon, a corn snake, rabbits, guinea pigs and lots more. Class 2 found this really interesting, as we have been learning about different kinds of animals in our science lessons.
Year 2 have been busy this week learning to read the time to 5 minutes. They have done really well!
I am so proud of the Year 2's this week. They approached their SATS in a mature and grown up way and all did their best, which was fantastic! To celebrate all their hard work, we had a movie afternoon and treated them to popcorn, ice lollies and a biscuit - well deserved!!! They shared their special afternoon with the Year 1 children.
This year Class 2 decided they would like to help a charity close to home, after some of the children had noticed people in the local area living in tents. We talked about the reasons for this and I introduced them to foodbanks and what they were for and why they were important. In our class worship we looked at Marcus Rashford and the work he has done to try and end child food poverty.
The children decided to do a sponsored silence to try and raise money for our local foodbank. They did fantastic and raised £31.00. Reverend Lorelii came into receive the cheque on behalf of the foodbank.
In our music lessons we have been learning how to play the glockenspiels - it has been great fun! We have also improvised with the song ‘Zootime’ using voice, clapping and instruments, as well as responding to the pulse of African music through movement!
We had a visitor from our local Gideon society, who came and talked to us about the work they do. They are dedicated to telling people about Jesus, as well as distributing Bibles and the New Testaments. We were shown many different types of Bibles, in all different languages. We learnt that some people will go to extremes to own a Bible.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”… Matthew 28:19"
The year 2's are reading the book Lila and the Secret of Rain. We used drama techniques to help us identify with and explore characters feelings at different parts in the story. We discussed and acted out how Lila would feel sat outside with her family in the blazing heat of the sun and how she might feel having to milk the cows, weed the village garden and gather firewood in the heat with no rain to cool her down.
In Science we have been looking at different animals and some of their features and discussed how they are similar and different to one another. First we had to work together as a group and sort our animals under 2 headings and say why we had grouped them as we did. We then learnt how scientists classify animals into 5 main groups which are - mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and amphibians. Then we made our own animals out of playdough and labelled their body parts and said how they moved and what they ate. Look at some of our marvellous creations!
As part of our RE topic on the Bible, Reverend Julie came into class to talk about why the Bible was special to her. She read us her favourite story from the Old and New Testament and brought us lots of different types of Bibles to look at. We then asked Reverend Julie lots of questions that we wanted answering on the Bible.
Spring Term 2 2021 - 2022
Our topic this half term is God Save The Queen! We will be looking at the United Kingdom in Geography and in English we will be writing a non chronological report about London. In computing we will be using what we have learnt about London, to create a powerpoint presentation, using book creator. Our DT topic this half term is Structures, where we will be looking at making a bridge to get from Scotland to Ireland, which links into our narrative writing on Finn McCaul. We will also be visiting Skipton Castle and learning about why the castle was built and the job it did to protect our locality.
Easter signs and symbols will be our focus in RE, as well as learning about Holy Week. We will be having a special service in church to celebrate Ash Wednesday.
On Tuesday 29th March, Class 2 invited Reverend Lorelli into class to talk about her work with the local foodbank. Class 2 decided that they would like to support our local foodbank as their class charity, after some of the children had seen tents with people living in them in Nelson. The children learnt about the need for foodbanks and the type of food that is needed. The children are carrying out a sponsored silence, where they are hoping to raise some money, to give to Reverend Lorelli to buy food to give to those in need.
Throughout this half term, Class 2 have been fortunate to enjoy a weekly gardening slot with a professional gardener. This has linked in great with our Science topic of Plants. We have had lots of fun whilst learning how to grow plants outside in our class flowerbed.
In DT we have been looking at different structures and bridges. Take a look at some of our fantastic creations that we enjoyed making.
On Wednesday 23rd March, Reverend Julie came into our RE lesson and talked about and showed us some symbols and artefacts related to the Easter Story. We even got to taste some un consecrated bread! Reverend Julie then read us the Easter Story from the Bible.
Year 2 enjoyed acting out and orally retelling the story of Finn McCaul in our English lessons. I bet you can't tell which part they enjoyed the most!
8 children from Class 2 went to Pendle Vale Community College to take part in a multi skills event with other local schools. The children enjoyed themselves and all received a certificate for taking part. Well done to them all!
As part of our Geography topic on The United Kingdom, we celebrated Saint Patricks Day and came dressed to school in the colours of the Irish flag. We also learnt about the story of Saint Patrick.
What a beautiful spring day we had for our nature walk into Barrowford and around the park. We had lots of fun looking at garden and wild flowers which we have been learning about in our science lessons. We also talked about the signs of new life and discussed how these link to the Easter Story. The children were eager to point out the bridge that we crossed and how this was part of out DT topic on structures.
On Friday 11th March 2022, Class 2 visited Skipton Castle. We had a fantastic day learning about the different parts of the castle and the Clifford family who lived there. Skipton used to be called Sheep Town. Can you guess why?
Thursday 3rd March 2022 was world book day. Class 2 came dressed as their favourite book character and brought their book in to show the rest of the class. We were also lucky because a mummy and grandma came into read us their favourite story and poems.
Here are some photographs of Class 2 taking part in our special Ash Wednesday service in church with Reverend Julie and Reverend David.
In our RE lessons, we are learning about the Easter story and the days that make up Holy Week. We played Pass the Parcel and in each wrapper there was a part of the Easter story. We then had to try and sequence the story in the order we thought it happened.
We have also looked at some symbols that represent Easter and their meanings.
To help us with our non chronological report writing about a famous London landmark, year 2 got the I-Pads out and did some research on their chosen landmark.
In PSHE this half term we will be looking at why money is important and how to look after our money. We were very fortunate to have a lady come and talk to us from HSBC bank. She read us a modern fairy-tale about how Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Rapunzel learnt how to earn and spend money wisely. We looked at and sorted out different coins and even learnt that notes have braille on them to help blind people recognise them easily. We were also introduced to new vocabulary related to spending and borrowing money.
Spring Term 1 2021 - 2022
Happy New Year to you all!
Welcome back to another fun packed term of exploring, discovering and learning, we know that you are all going to have lots of fun. Our topic is 'Robots', where we will be writing a story in a fantasy setting and then an explanation text on how a robot toy works. We will be looking at how toys have changed over time in History and welcoming grandparents in to talk about toys from when they were young and also a visit from Mrs Jolly, who will teach us some Victorian games and songs.
In RE we will be looking at the Church and different places of worship, where we will visit our local Mosque in Nelson. We will be conducting some experiments in Science to do with our senses, as well as looking at different parts of our body.
On Friday 14th January 2022, we visited the Ghausia Masjid Mosque at Nelson. Imam Khalid Mehmood showed us around the mosque and explained the basics of faith, prayer and the day to day activities that take place there. We thoroughly enjoyed learning about a different place of worship.
In our Science lessons we have been learning about our senses and the different parts of our body that we use for our senses. We had a great afternoon using our sense of smell and taste to try and identify different smells and whether the food tasted bitter/salty or sweet. We learned that everyone has taste buds on their tongue and that different people have different tastes.
We have been learning about toys from the past in History. We were very lucky because one of the children's grandparents came in and brought some toys from when she was our age. We made a timeline with the toys and learnt 8 new historical words!
We were extremely lucky to have a cheerleading lesson from an outside agency in one of our PE lessons. It was really good fun and we enjoyed using pompoms!
Carrying on with our senses work in Science, we carried out an experiment, to see which junk material would make the best ear defenders. Once we had made our ear defenders, we measured how effective they were, by listening to a loud piece of drilling and then measuring the distance we walked, until we couldn't hear the drilling with a metre stick. It was great fun!
In RE we have been looking at different artefacts, that we might see in a church. We went to visit our church and went on a treasure hunt seeing if we could spot the artefacts on our sheet. Reverend Julie also talked to us about all the different people that make up the church family and the important jobs that they do in church.
8 children from Class 2 went to Pendle Vale Community College to take part in a multi skills event. The games were all based on the Winter Olympics. As you can see we had lots of fun and came second overall in the competition!
On Friday 11th February, we celebrated the Queens Platinum Jubilee. We cane to school dressed as Kings or Queens or in the royal colours of red, white and blue. We made bookmarks and crowns and collaged some of the United Kingdoms flags. FOSTS kindly donated some fairy cakes for us to eat in the afternoon, whilst we learnt about the Queens reign.
Autumn Term 2 2021 - 2022
We hope that you have all had a great half term break and are looking forward to another exciting term in Class 2. Our new topic is 'Winter Wonderland' where we have lots of fun filled learning to be explored. There will be a trip to Gawthorpe Hall, to learn about a Victorian Christmas and we will be able to take part in activities. We will also have a visit from a theatre group to perform the story of The Snow Queen, which Year 2 will be looking at in our English lessons. Our nativity this year is called The First Christmas and we will be busy rehearsing this and learning Christmas carols, which will be lots of fun.
On Tuesday 3rd November, Year 2 went to the Leisure Box to meet up with our friends from Whitefield School. This is a project run by Building Bridges which aims to help people to develop friendships that cross cultural and community boundaries. As you can see we all had a super time.
To introduce our new topic of Winter Wonderland the Year 2's wrapped up warm and went outside to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate. We then discussed what we already knew about winter.
In our RE lessons we have been looking at God and Creation. We created some things ourselves and talked about how it felt to be creative and how God might have felt. We then took our learning outside and had a close look at some of God's wonderful creations.
As part of our PSHE lessons we looked at the importance of keeping safe on Bonfire Night. We now know what to do if our clothes catch fire - STOP! DROP! ROLL!
Class 2 had lots of fun playing out in the unexpected snow fall that happened! It added lots of meaning to our topic 'Winter Wonderland!'
We had lots of fun in Class 2 performing our nativity 'The First Christmas' to our families. Our teachers thought we were amazing!
Class 2 went to Gawthorpe Hall on Friday 10th December 2021 to see a Victorian Christmas. Here we met the 'real' Father Christmas, played some victorian christmas games, made a decoration for our tree and helped out in the kitchen where there were lots of delicious smells! We had lots of fun and it really got us into the christmas spirit.
On Monday 13th December 2021, Class 2 had a visit from a theatre group, who performed The Snow Queen for us. This was fascinating, especially as Year 2 had studied this book in their English lessons. The children all thought it was a magical experience.
We had a great time at our Christmas party with Class 1. We played Christmas Corners, Pass the Parcel and did lots of energetic dancing! Father Christmas even made a surprise appearance on Zoom and left us all a present! We are very lucky children at St Thomas.
Autumn Term 1 2021 - 2022
Welcome back to Class 2!
We have got lots of exciting topics for you this year and we know you are going to have lots of fun whilst learning. Our first topic is "Home Sweet Home" and in our History and Art lessons we are going to be focussing on different buildings around Barrowford. We are going to have a walk around Barrowford village and visit Pendle Heritage Centre to learn about the Bannister family and the history of the house.
Science - We went on a hunt around our school identifying different objects and the materials they were made from and whether they were natural or man-made.
Tuesday 7th September 2021 - Walk around Barrowford village and visit to Pendle Heritage Centre.
In our RE lessons we have been looking at some similarities and differences between our world and Jesus' world. To help us understand more we tasted some food that Jesus would have eaten. It was decided that our food was definately better as Jesus would not have eaten KFC or McDonalds!!!
We learnt from Reverend Julie, that Israel where Jesus lived, is still a thriving country now. Reverend Julie has visited the Holy Land and came in to talk to us about Israel now and what it would have been like in Jesus time.
Year 2 have been writing their own traditional tales with a twist, based on the story of the 3 Little Pigs. Here they are practising orally retelling their own story from their plan, using vocabulary that they have learnt from the original story.
We have been enjoying learning cricket skills with a professional cricketer, Joe Scudari every week in Class 2. As you can see we have had lots of fun and learnt many new skills.
Class 2 news and photos
What have we been doing in autumn 1 2020
Look at our Photo-story for autumn 1!
Autumn 2 - Having Snow much fun in Class 2!!
We have enjoyed making clay penguins and painting pictures, where we had to mix colours, to make different tones and shades in our art lessons.
We had lots of fun guessing what our new book was going to be in our English lessons! It was 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. We enjoyed getting into roles of the characters by doing some hot seating which helped us write some great character descriptions.
In RE we looked at the Jewish harvest festival 'Sukkot'. We enjoyed making our versions of 'Sukkahs'.
Guided Reading and array work in maths.
Summer 1- Fire! Fire!
DT- making our own model fire engines.
English- learning about Zog and the great fire of London.